![]() A GATHERING OF THE DOVES!" Minister Sharon has launched A GATHERING OF THE DOVES, a new blog as part of her Women's Ministry. Here are a few of her words explaining; In March of 2015, I was in the morning session of a conference listening to a message by Dr. Brian Johnson, President of Tuskegee University. He spoke about the differences between eagles and doves. His title was “Connected to Trajectory: Fly High Like the Eagle and Low Like the Dove”. His scripture reference was Isaiah 60:8–“who are these who fly like a cloud, and like doves to their roosts?” He continued to describe the behavior of eagles and doves: – Eagles fly alone and with great vision for the benefit for the whole nest – Doves fly low and go unnoticed – Eagles circle to go higher; the circles are for great depths but they take you... Click on this LINK to be taken to her blog and learn more! We all get challenged. We are not perfect.
The Perfect One has done for us what we could never do for ourselves. Check out my Letter to you and to me! 📖 REAL CAMPING!
(Image Thanks to: Above is a Biblical reference to Israelite camp by Tribe. Numbers 2 Notice the Levites encamped closest to the Tabernacle, where they were assigned to minister. Also notice that the camp is situated, by God's command in such a way as to foretell of The Cross, with the middle section which contained the Holy Place and the Holy-of-Holies. Here was housed the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat. Mercy took human form and came to earth as a man, Jesus Christ. Those with "eyes to see," will see this aerial view of The Cross foretold, with the human form of the Mercy Seat, Jesus Christ inside the Holy Place. Jesus is in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, it is all about him. Joseph Prince calls the Bible something like God's album of his Son, not unlike our keeping "scrapbooks" of our children. He is excited for us to see His Son in every book of the Bible. ![]() Image of the Empty Tomb of the Risen Christ
Victory delivered on Resurrection Day! Thanks to: NEWS --
-Politico, a USA political analysis daily, was purchased by a German concern. Just as Forbes is now under control of China and shapes what you know as "news," so to can Germany. Other "news" outlets are owned by foreign entities who are pledged to uphold the imperialist narratives. -Some Kenyans were given $50 to turn over to private companies their biometric data before government cut it out. Don’t laugh, Americans sell out for free, and the government is complicit. -Brazilians, Indians (East,) Russia, China, and South Africa, together known as “BRICS,” are leading many nations into an economic and trade self-sufficiency, unfettered by the colorism and colonialism they face from world economic powers. -Countries in Africa are standing on their rights as believers in Christ/God and forbidding open homosexual activity or recruitment. They are refusing to go along with the satanic principles of western culture. -African nations are also continuing to free themselves from parasitic relations with the Euro-peasants and their international bandit partners who have murdered and exploited them and their resources for hundreds of years. Without sucking Africa’s blood, Europe and the US would continue to be wilderness outbacks. France is ready to kill Africa because they are now controlling their own resources and dis-allowing raw natural resources to be exported. Uranium, Gold, Lithium, precious metals/stones, etc. (It is being reported in some quarters that these agents of satan in the US are plotting to assassinate the leaders, who are praised by their people for freeing them from the puppets of imperialism. JESUS CAME TO DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL! 1 John 3: 8, Revelation 21) -The daily murder of your babies and life opportunities carries on unfettered in the USA. -When one controls the media, one controls the national narrative and the interpretation and manipulation of everything else. -We MUST move closer to a daily analysis of the "Good News" of the Gospel of (Ye shu ah) Jesus Christ! For, the news of the world is merely a recounting of Satan's same old daily activities. The world is closing in on his agents, without whom he is helpless. And we (who have eyes and ears to hear,) know what his future is! What is yours? Media-Disease and COVIDCOVID-19
For several years, much has been said and written about the devastating SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 crisis. Much has been censored or ignored because it did not fit the narrative promoted by those who can profit the most from the crisis. IN 2023, NOTHING HAS CHANGED, EXCEPT FOR THE WORSE. Every few months, there is a “new” strain. Not surprisingly, every week there is a new “vaccine” for diseases most know nothing about and new diseases that don’t appear to exist yet, aka, haven’t made it out of the lab yet. America’s lying covid “doctor” told you to wear no mask,, it doesn’t work. THEN, later he told you that he only said that to make sure health care people got the masks. The guy “retired” when the heat came down about his and the government’s lies about how, when, where, and why the disease got started. He is back again, this time without much credibility. Here are a few resources that contain information that one may find useful. For those who do or don’t find them useful, please research other sources and/or references in these resources to form your own conclusion. Just make up your own mind and don’t let the media, religion, doctors, friends, family or Anthony Fauci make it up for you. Buy your own donuts and lottery tickets, earn your own $100; it is cheaper than the costs that uniformed people do, and will, continue to pay. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ *Dr. Henry Ealy, Energetic Health Institute- Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine CCNM, BS Mech Eng. UCLA, Board Certified in Holistic Medicine NANP, Jackie Robinson Scholarship Alumnus, Ordained Minister Dr. Ealy discusses treatments, prevention, govt. statistics, and, basic strategies to combat employer bullying for “vaccines.” *Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance) “Lifesaving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19” Research and viewpoints from so-called “right wing extremists,” aka, people who encourage you to find out for yourself how valuable or not is the information that is being censored from your eyes and ears. Science has no politics. Politicians/their media, medical, religious, entertainment, scientist, business, sports, pharmaceutical and military minions have politics and $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$, to protect! Do your research and decide for yourself. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Nicki Minaj-Trial Site News Covid 19 money makers have turned the pandemic into a “doorknob-everybody gets a turn!” *Ivermectin stops “Frankenvirus” in India Note:You may have to manually enter this url! -other sources on India and Ivermectin india media on ivermectin success *BBC article with “vaccine concerns” for 12-15 year old youth /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Dr. Li-Meng Yan-MD, Ph.D. virologist, independent coronavirus expert, on Origin of SARS-CoV-2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *CDC-Selected Adverse Events...after Covid 19’s (so-called) Vaccination THIS PAGE WAS REMOVED ALMOST IMMEDIATELY AFTER I PUBLISHED IT!!!! IT IS NOT THE WRONG URL!!! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// They tell us it is not happening, then tell you it is, but rarely, then tell you to watch out! All the different types of death and injury post-vax and bad stuff is “rare?” -The FDA “Fear and Death Administration?” approves the death warrant *People who have vax injury and/or death /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *American Journal of Therapeutics Efficacy of Ivermectin treating Covid 19 (one has to read-it is why so many know so little!) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Media controllers such as HuffPost (and others who are beholden to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group, and The Trilateral Commission, who determine what you hear, see, and know,) are printing scare/fear stories about people consuming “horse paste,” and “animal dewormers” to combat Covid 19 (People Are Eating Horse Paste To Fight ... - In one online search, " horse paste huffpost,"the same story wording is used by "different" media sites on different continents. Draw your own conclusions. Then try to remember that it is not unusual. Then ask yourself why many "different" news media reports on Covid-19 and the shot, have the same "consistency" of wording in "news" from around the world, as much as McDonald's restaurants are consistent in content and approach everywhere there is one. They primarily talk about people who are self-medicating with animal grade Ivermectin and not the “food-grade” Ivermectin which has proven, over several years and studies to be effective for human health improvement. DO NOT USE THIS STUFF UNLESS UNDER A QUALIFIED DOCTOR. One can find them on the FLCCC Alliance website above. READ THE SCIENCE AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF ABOUT COVID, THE “SHOT,” (and associated injuries and deaths,) IVERMECTIN AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU ARE “COMMANDED” TO DO WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS GOING ON. Only a fool won’t look at both sides of an issue. A bigger fool takes what one is told and doesn’t ask questions about their health. There is only one God, and He is not a human medical doctor/industry, politician, or an earthly government. Even God allows questions! ASK HIM! FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF/FAMILY!!! BETTER ACT QUICKLY, GOOGLE/USA GOVT. APPROVAL IS REMOVING ARTICLES AND RESOURCES LEFT AND RIGHT!!! |
Time for another national holiday! Historically, parades, outdoor events and family gatherings and the like take place. Once again, patriotic posturing and speeches from all DIVISIONS of American civil and religious societies will command the airwaves. (Let’s talk about the airwaves in a minute.) Two hundred forty five years after the founding of this country, hypocrisy is still a devastatingly traumatic wound to the American and world psyche, incessantly gushing blood that cries out to God for justice. Just as Abel’s Blood cried out to God for justice (Genesis 4, especially vs. 8 and 10,) and the slain saints who died for speaking the Word cried out for justice, so does the blood of the slain that floats this society cry out. “But, I can go where I want, buy what I want, be where I want to be. That stuff doesn’t affect me! Besides, I’m a “Christian!” That’s one way to look at it. You can go where you want, as long as “dominant elements” don’t consider you mis-placed. You can buy what you want, if you really don’t mind the stared upon, or being followed around the establishment (physical or electronic eye.) You can be where you want as long as you don’t mind what comes with having the wrong identity! The country/world still doesn’t accept Acts 17:26! The US Constitution STILL defines Blacks/Africans, etc, as only worth 60% of a white man and is therefore NOT REALLY A MAN, but sub-man, under white privilege and superiority. Listen to how hard of resistance you will receive in any conversation related to amending this in the Constitution of the USA. I’ve had Black professors put up the most fierce resistance, citing the 14th and 15th amendments as change enough. Right, but the language that you are only 3/5 of a white man REMAINS. "Emancipate, " in Latin means “transferred property.” Origin Latin "ex-" out Latin-"e-" Latin "mancipium" slave Latin-emancipare Latin-"emancipat" transferred as property "emancipate" early 17th century: from Latin emancipat-'transferred as property', from the very emancipare from e-(variant of ex-) 'out + mancipium 'slave'. From Google Translation Even the mere notion of an "emancipation proclamation" should disgust the African and ANY American. Language/words, are an expression of man's power, bestowed by the Creator. Words manifest thought into kinetic energy. Look at the word "emancipation," it comes from the Latin root "emancipate ". Despite its 1800s Old English usage, which is partial to using slavery as an illustration of the term, the Latin means "to transfer property," or “transferred property.” As inferred by the above Google translation, if you combine the politics of the time he who is doing the "emancipating" and his personal feelings towards slavery we can see that the African in America was never freed but only transferred from individual property to become property of the national state. The Supreme Court of the United States, in 1896, ruled that the Black man has no rights that the white man is bound to respect. Plessy vs. Ferguson The WW II Germans coined the term “tier mensch,” below man/sub-human in their quest to whiten the world under them. The 2009 – current version of white evangelicals considered President Barack Hussein Obama the enemy of the country, God, the white majority, and the Republican party their enemy. They offered prayers to God that President Obama die and his family be left destitute, homeless, and despised. They prayed Psalm 109: 8-15. They didn’t pray any of the rest of that scripture because there was no truth in their design. They didn’t pray Matthew 5: 43, 44+ about their enemy, as Jesus told us to “...pray for them...” People that murder other people didn’t get the memo, because “the god of this world,” has blinded the world (2 Corinthians 4: 4) to see only what will add more souls to his death march onto the End Time. The same spirit that moves cops to murder Blacks and other “fringe” people, is that same spirit that motivates young Blacks and fringe youth to engage a type of “fratricide.” Ask yourself if that spirit has left America. And don’t lie to yourself about it anymore. Now ask yourself what you really know about being “free.” If you are not in Christ, as he in you, you cannot be free from anything in this world of Satan’s, and you are unprotected. (Luke 4: 5 – 8, especially vs. 6; Genesis 3) Here are a few ideas/concepts to keep in mind as we celebrate our “freedoms”; If you are a person who doesn’t mind if people/corporations steer you to their products/point of view, know where you go and what you will do, who you interact with, what you read or watch or listen to, or how much money or resources you have personally, this information cannot help you. If you are not such a person or wonder what the heck is meant here, read on, it may help you. Be Strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble in dread before them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not fail or abandon you. Deuteronomy 31: 6 Most of us have access to devices; cell phones, computers, notebooks/laptops, watches, headsets, etc. We brag about our phones, ridicule others who don’t haver/use the latest technology, “Why do you still have a flip phone?” You use Hotmail?!!! Nobody who is anybody uses Hotmail, get a Gmail account!” “It doesn’t matter about my privacy, they know everything about me anyway!” “I can’t get along without Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!” We believers often tell others that “Satan is the Prince of the power of the air!” Ephesians 2:2, 2 Corinthians 4:4 Do we really understand that in the 21st century? Social media is over the air. Yes, “social media” can help people keep in touch, updated and somewhat aware of what is going on in the world. Yes, social media helps church, religious and other organizations maintain a presence in the minds and lives of people. Good. Yes, social media is used to maintain surveillance of who and when you talk to, where you “visit” on your device, what products should be targeted to you, what keystrokes you tap on your keyboard, how often you are online and how long. It is also used to find out if you are speaking for or against whatever the “authorities” are saying or doing to you. That is used to censor/disappear your comments and posts that those social media don’t like because it may upset their partners and funders, i.e., large corporations, politicians, and government agencies. This is an example of the “...power of the air.” Have you ever been online visiting/shopping/browsing a commercial site, closed it and went to another site and BEHOLD, the products you were reviewing showed up on that totally unrelated page you visited? You are being monitored and TRACKED everywhere you go on the internet. Why? To find out how to squeeze as much resource (data, $$, etc.) out of you as possible. To keep track of who you talk with that “they” don’t like. To find out if you are exposing yourself to a narrative that is not consistent with the party line. Satan’s power of the air. Satan doesn’t own the air, we gave up our lease to him in the Garden of Eden. That’s why he can’t totally control the air. We only had control as stewards, not owners. We already know he has blinded most of the world. 2 Cor. 4:4 His “Thoughts, Ideas, and Suggestions,” (Thank you Apostle Price,) are projected over the air 24/7. Most of the world blindly follows those TIS. Now, his impact is spread monstrously by social media, following the lead of regular media; fake news, sensationalization, outright lies, manipulation, gross speculation, among the usual evils of the “isms,” race, sex, age, color, nation, religion, and on. Did you know that the media/social media company known as “Forbes,” is owned by Communist China and received 8 million dollars, that’s $8 million USD, in Covid PPP money in April 2020? See the following; Many have scammed and received Covid money. But CHINA!?? Forbes is helping lead the charge to cut off people/organizations who ask questions about things kept from us. $8 Million USD to China and you don’t know about it! You’re not supposed to know. Meanwhile, the unemployment you worked for just got cut again! You’re not supposed to know because you might connect dots. Satan’s power of the air. Does the Lord want you to pay unemployment/taxes so 8 million of it can go to a Communist country who persecutes and prosecutes people who believe in the Lord our God and His dear Son Jesus? Ya think? Or do you, at all? Or to send/sell weapons to the enemies of Israel? (Saudi Arabia and their minions.) Most of us don’t want to know. However, just try posting that your uncle Bojangles got sick after getting a shot. That will get you on a watch list, subject to be removed from the platform. You’ll be persecuted (not a spelling error!) for allowing “Fake News.” You won’t be able to visit certain sites anymore because you are a “rebel.” (But you can still post yourself “twerking” at the club and get tall likes!) Your comments will be removed (it is already happening-Robert F. Kennedy was bounced from Facebook 2/10/21 for his organization Children’s Health Defense posting true facts about vaccines, 5G, and Public Health.) That is currently being labeled by Facebook as “comment demotion.” Real free. It took five years and continually inciting anarchistic, overthrow US democracy madness from the orange guy before he was finally banned. Eventually, this will spread beyond the social-tech world. “Junebug” is already wearing an ankle bracelet, ain’t he? Your travel is now restricted by I.D. and your social movement may soon be in jeopardy unless you have what amounts to a “South African Passbook.” (Ask somebody.) How could/will this eventually play out? Look around the “world” we want to keep up with so much. Many countries are moving into open suppression and repression of people online who even ASK QUESTIONS. That’s in addition to having the wrong “religion”, color, or any “religion” at all. Don’t think it could happen here? (See reference to “white evangelicals” above.) Ask the Black/Latino Army OFFICER who was assaulted for asking why he was stopped. Ask the mother of the murdered Capitol officer from the failed, Trump inspired, January 6, 2021 insurrectionist takeover of the government of the United States of America. For defending democracy, both he and she are being “crucified” in the media, social or otherwise. She doesn’t understand why the death threats, because both of them voted for Trump! Belarus, Russia, Philippines, China, Syria, Turkey, many other Islamic countries, Brazil, Japan, the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the USA-all these and more are watching and recording every keystroke, telephone call, internet visit, personal travel, etc. to keep control over how people live, think, and spend. Everyday one hears of some country cutting off the internet because there is too much social media and physical resistance to the suppression and repression people face. Did you know that the last five countries call themselves the “Five Eyes?” They share “signal intelligence,” meaning they monitor everything in their own country and, everything in their own country or region for the other four countries. Not surprising, their spy cabal is in trouble these days as New Zealand is shaky about continuing human rights accusations against China. (MSN News 5/4/21) Does the Believer in Christ, need have concern for the privacy invasions? Are we defenseless? NO! Our identities are not tied to race, gender, nationality social status, income, looks, hairstyles, possessions or anything else we are driven to use to identify ourselves. Once one surrenders oneself to the reality that Jesus Christ IS the Son of God, WAS resurrected from the dead, AND sits at the Father’s right hand until he returns to earth to claim us, there is no harm that the system can do to one that the Father can’t get you through! Before Christ walked the earth as a known man, Believers in the LORD were protected from ALL forms of attack by God and His appointees. Today, our Faith is our servant and speaking God’s word puts Faith and appointees into action. (Appointees can be Mankind or other. A donkey saved Balaam’s life! Numbers 22: 21+) 2 Kings 6: 8-12 Syria made war against Israel and made plans for his camp, etc. The Man of God sent word to the king of Israel to avoid that place for the Syrians were there. This happened several times. The Syrian king was furious for he believed there was a spy or traitor among them. A servant told him of Elisha, the prophet of Israel, who tells the king of Israel the Syrian king’s thoughts before he even leaves his bedchamber. There is a lot more to that chapter but my point is that while Satan may be the Prince of the power of the air, our God is the Power of the universe who knows our thoughts and appropriately relays information to his people. “Something told me...” No, it wasn’t “something,” it was the Spirit of our God working on your behalf as He has always done. As you can see, the Lord “hacked” Syria’s bad thoughts towards Israel and allowed His people to counter Syria’s moves. Information is not necessarily bad, but how it is generally used to profit from you and control you is bad. Did the Lord put you here to be a controlled experiment, subject to the desires and whims of corporations and politicians who want your mind, body, and data? Your spirit belongs to the Lord, so they can’t get to it. Satan’s Thoughts,Ideas, and Suggestions influence: us to keep our spirits weak and dependent on the temperature of the world. He can’t see it done without our help. He can’t get anything done without our cooperation by commission or omission. We know what to commit means. But we rarely deal with what we omit. We omit the Lord from our daily lives. We omit Him as out Savior, our Problem Solver, our Strength and Strong Tower. We want to do it ourselves. We did once by Adam. How did that work out? (Genesis 3: 15+) How about the Tower of Babel? (Genesis 11) Or choosing a king over the Lord? (1 Samuel 8, 10, 31; 2 Samuel 1) How about the direction many youth are taking? Not so good. So, “...the internet is evil, what can I do?” The internet is to often used in an evil manner. Recognize that you are in a war for your mind. Learn to apply Bible lessons to your daily life. We can study the word of God to understand how to apply its lessons in our daily lives. Knowing and/or learning what (God’s Word) and how (it is already done, we must walk it out,) to pray, is beginning to operate with wisdom. Praying in tongues is also a battle weapon. One may never completely be rid of prying eyes, but we can do a much better job of protecting our personal, private information. We must “war” in the spirit and in the natural worlds. There are a few things that can be done in the natural world to fight back against the “snoopers.” Always be alert to what you see and hear. Something not right? Try to record it or screen-shot it. You never know what you’re seeing or its possible importance. Lower, you’ll see some “tips” on internet safety. Not all work for everyone, e.g., have yourself an Android if you secure your identity on it. Do your own research. Stop being so lazy! Look into things, particularly as they may relate to instruction from the Word of God. Today, many are perverting His Word. There are no problems in the world that cannot be resolved by applying the Word of God. "How to Protect Your Online PrivacyThere are ways you can protect your privacy online and limit the "behavioral surplus data" collected about you. (As of yet, there's not much you can do about online censorship, other than encourage your state legislators to address it.) To protect your privacy, consider taking the following steps: Ditch Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms that siphon your personal data and censor content -- Today, there are free-speech alternatives that do neither of those things. Use a virtual private network (VPN) to mask the true identity of your computer. Do not use Gmail, as every email you write is permanently stored. It becomes part of your profile and is used to build digital models of you, which allows them to make predictions about your line of thinking and every want and desire. Many other older email systems such as AOL and Yahoo are also being used as surveillance platforms in the same way as Gmail., which uses end-to-end encryption, is a great alternative and the basic account is free. Don't use Google's Chrome browser, as everything you do on there is surveilled, including keystrokes and every webpage you've ever visited. Brave is a great alternative that takes privacy seriously. Brave is also faster than Chrome, and suppresses ads. It's based on Chromium, the same software infrastructure that Chrome is based on, so you can easily transfer your extensions, favorites and bookmarks. Don't use Google as your search engine, or any extension of Google, such as Bing or Yahoo, both of which draw search results from Google. The same goes for the iPhone's personal assistant Siri, which draws all of its answers from Google. Alternative search engines include SwissCows, DuckDuckGo and Qwant. Avoid StartPage, as it has been bought by an aggressive online marketing company which, like Google, depends on surveillance. Don't use an Android cellphone, as they are always listening and recording your conversations. Don't use Google Home devices -- These devices record everything that occurs in your home, both speech and sounds such as brushing your teeth and boiling water, even when they appear to be inactive, and send that information back to Google. Regularly clear your cache and cookies. Don't use Fitbit, as it has been acquired by Google and will provide them with all your physiological information and activity levels, in addition to everything else that Google already has on you." The above was borrowed from, “How Facebook stalks you...,” 5/31/21. Learn what this stuff is all about. Folks are all in your “kitchen” when you use internet/devices. SOME TERMS DEFINED VPN (Virtual Private Network)-software that prevents anyone from tracking, mining, or recording your online behavior. Look for one that does not keep logs (records) of your online movements. Some say they don’t, but they will/have done it for government law agencies. Use one that DOES NOT. Free ones are mostly sponsored by trackers. Gmail-a software that sends and receives electronic mail to you-along with everything you do online being sent to Google, its “parent,” who data-mines your accounts. Most email accounts you can name track your activities. Google-a technology company, subsidiary of ALPHABET, which encompasses all Google related companies from Chrome Browser to Gmail, to self-driving cars, YouTube, and beyond. Bing, Yahoo, Siri, Android and yes, Alexis/home devices and Fitbit all have contracts with Google for data-mining. Android-computer platform used for electronic devices, including tv. “Married to Google.” Hacked-unauthorized access to electronic data/media. There are many other ways to wage “war” against those who would violate you electronically. Don’t open emails from someone you don’t know and be careful, someone you know may have been hacked! Don’t just click on a link! Hover your cursor over it to see where it REALLY comes from. Look suspicious or unknown? Trash it! You can always look up the company to see if they are legit, even the ones who disguise themselves as legit. Look out for “FREDEX!” Use a VPN and be suspect of sites that won’t load because you use VPN-they won’t say that, just deny access to the site. Ask yourself if you really want to expose yourself then decide if you really must go on A—z-n or any commercial site that mines you. If you don’t mind, they will mine. You still have choice at this point. Cover the lenses on your cellphone and computer/notebook/laptop cameras when not using. You are being recorded on closed circuit. If he comes back to the US, ex-CIA/NSA operative Edward Snowden faces jail for telling this secret, and for letting us know that 2009-2016, minimum, the USA collected EVERYONE’S cellphone data to mine for information. Everyone’s, except theirs of course. Fly your flags, eat your “Que,” celebrate (what little) civil freedoms you have in this country/world ruled by darkness. Just don’t get pulled over without knowing your true identity, and who you belong to, the Kingdom of God, or of darkness. Those are the only two choices. With God, or against/without him. Learn and put the Word of God on your “situations.” Find a church organization that teaches the Bible and Jesus. Whatever you do, be mindful that the Prince of the power of the air is always watching and waiting for a life to suck out. But, God! He is ever mindful for His children. He is our Strength! There is nothing He has not done already for His faithful, we just have to call out His word, and walk out the manifestation of His promises. Always keep the Lord as your protector and battle fighter. The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth and show you things to come! Trust God! Build His Kingdom, on Earth, as it is in Heaven! Have Faith in God. Mark 11:22 Shalom, Minister Ronnie Stricklin Mesa, AZ Jamaal Stricklin, President Madison Public Market Foundation Madison, WI (I use the internet all the time for research, email, rarely, if ever, “social media”. I use VPN, private browsers, private search, private messaging that don’t keep records/logs, keeping data private. Yes, the Lord is coming to straighten everything out, but He expects to find us co-laboring with him to save souls and combat evil. He made us stewards of worship and the earth that Satan and his minions want to destroy! Don’t tell Satan all your business, just the Word! Resist the devil and he will flee. James 4:7) (a version of this article was prepared for the Christian Newspaper "Just Good News," MKE) KNOW THIS ALSO, THAT IN THE LAST DAYS PERILOUS TIMES SHALL COME.
Apostle Paul 2 Timothy 3:1 In verses 2-5, Paul described some of mankind's behavior that will accompany perilous times. All the behaviors he described contribute to mankind "poking holes" in the hedge of protection God has placed around us. Job put holes in his protective hedge through fear. Satan wanted to challenge Job's faith and complained over God's hedge around Job. Satan took advantage of the holes and attacked Job in every way except death. Job eventually was able to strengthen his resolve, with prodding from a young friend and more so from the LORD. Job 1-42 Recently, the 2023 major world tennis tournament was held in NYC. We all cheered for the eventual winner. During the interview the player was asked about coming through adversity to win the championship. In reply, the player mentioned that God had put them through adversity and they were glad they recovered to win. What the player has never been taught is that while God may ALLOW adversity, He does not “put” things on us. We read daily about “parents”who abuse their children. Nothing could be further from Father God. He REDEEMS us, not condemns us. For those who have “eyes” and “ears,” (Matthew 11 and 13, Mark 4,) He walks with us/carries us THROUGH all adversity which surely comes (Matthew 24.) In this hour of this viral attack on the world, do not rely upon those who talk "act of God," "God is punishing us," God's plague," or anything suggesting that our Creator, who gave us life and knows that we deserve eternal death for the Adam sin-stained blood that ran through our veins. God is not confused. (Numbers 23:19) He is the same Creator, who instead of sentencing us to eternal damnation, gave us His Son as a blood sacrifice to wipe away our sins. He has also taught us to use wisdom. He sends us out into the word to be "wise as serpents, innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:5-7 We must use wisdom during these serious and indeed, all, times. If you have wisdom, you know that GOD IS SCIENCE! Without wisdom, you may believe that mankind can successfully and continuously bend the rules of science. God's Science is found in his word. He is THE supernatural, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God. When you speak His Word and use wisdom in dealing with God's Science, and with science understood by mankind your path is smoother. Pray His Word. Get Wisdom from His Word. Don't take chances with your physical health, we are meant to die. We don't have to hurry it along. Pray for others. Find out what those who have medical skills and experience have to say about staying healthy and safe. Not somebody with an opinion outside of God and science. Remember, God has not given us the spirit of fear, he has given us the power to tread upon Satan and his servants. Use wisdom when you step! (a version of this article appeared in the Christian Newspaper "Just Good News," MKE)
Resurrection Days “LET ALL THE OTHER NAMES FADE AWAY” Many are called “son of ‘X’.” In some cultures “son” extends, by blood/genetically beyond the immediate offspring of a man to his progeny. Son could mean immediate, next generation, or several generations. This is why our Savior and Lord was often called the “Son of David,” his human ancestor one thousand years beforehand, by the people. Hebrew, Arabic, European and other cultures have all used some form of this term. Son of an ancestor/man; Ben: e.g., Ben Hur – son of an ancestor/man named Hur Bar: e.g., Bar Jonas, or (Blind) Bar Timeus (bartimetus) Bin: e.g., Bin Laden – son of Laden Mac/Mc: e.g.. MacArthur – son of man named Arthur, or McKinney – son of Kinney Von: e.g., Von Ryan – son of Ryan Van: e.g. Van Dyke - son of Dyke O’: e.g. O’Hara – son of Hara “sons of Belial”: worthless, lawless people who do not know the Lord (Judges 2: 10b; 1 Samuel 2: 12; 2 Corinthians 6: 14, 15) These are all names used to describe, place, or “feel”/understand something about a person’s background/heritage. In worship, there are many names in many cultures. Some refer to similar “deities,” others to totally different ones. Some deities, people and/or their names come and pass. And some morph. You’ve heard them at one time or another; Buddha, Confucius, Muhammed, Moroni, Moloch, Chemosh, Nimrod/Babylon, Hubal and iterations of same, and other versions of anti-Christ. Everyone of those in the natural have died without the call, (by order of God the Creator,) to sacrifice his life for man’s salvation. Not one of them, for example; ...sent his word and saved us from our destruction...Psalm 107:20 ...had the power to lay down his life and take it up again…John 10:14-19 ...had the power to slay 185,000, to out number Syrian forces with horses and chariots of the Spirit, to smite usurpers with blindness...Elisha 2 Kings; Genesis 19:24 Sodom, etc. ...had power to fight your battles...Vengeance is mine; Isaiah 63:4, Romans 12:19, 2 Thessalonians 1:6 Outside of the Creator-the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, those who were/are said to be supernatural/god are all subject to eternal spiritual death, are not known to have healed, restored sight, driven out demons, or provided propitiation for sin. ...the is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:23, 24 Let all the other names fade away! WIDE AS THE SKY Hands up, hearts open, wide as the sky, We lift you high, we lift you high Hands up hearts open wide as we cry God we lift your name high Let all the other names fade away Let all the other names fade away Until there’s only you Let all the other names fade away Jesus, take your place Jesus, take your place... excerpted from... Matt Redman--Wide as the sky “Your Grace Finds Me” 2013 Why must they “fade away?” They are all helpless against the power of our Risen Savior, Jesus the Christ-Lord, Chosen Messiah, Savior, Servant King, Highest Priest/Teacher. Rebbe Melech Yehoshua HaMoschiach Adoni. The Son of God! He is the first and the last! The Last Adam, the second man. Revelation 22:13, 1 Corinthians 15: 45, 47 In Genesis 3: 14, God cursed the serpent for leading Adam (both of their names; “Eve” was not pronounced as the woman’s name until Genesis 3:20,) into rebellion. In verse 15, God gives the prophecy that He will make the serpent and the woman enemies, and, also make the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed enemies. The serpent will bruise the heel of her/seed and she/her seed shall bruise his head. In 3:22-24, God tells The Logos/Word and the Holy Spirit, “ is become as one of us, to know good and evil...lest he...also take..of the tree of life, and live forever:...the Lord sent him forth from the garden of Eden...drove out the man; and...placed Cherubims and a flaming keep...the tree of life. One of the greater revelation knowledge I have heard is from Apostle Fred Price. He noted that persons who have not given their lives to Jesus, the Christ, nor received the Holy Spirit, who are not born again/born from above, are not in position to accurately “divide” (study, understand) the Word of God because they do not have the “Key” to open their understanding. In John 3, Jesus gives the “Key” in a word to Nicodemus, a chief Pharisee, who came to Jesus by night and believed. “Except a man be born again (born from above,) he cannot see the kingdom of God.” “Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said to you, You must be born again. The wind blows where it will, you hear the sound but you don’t know where it comes from or goes: SO IS EVERY ONE THAT IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT.” (my emphasis) Knowing that we were created in His image and likeness (Father, Son, Holy Spirit and us with spirit, soul/mind/intellect/imagination, and body,) and that through Adam (we are all Ben Adam!) we fell into disobedience/sin, we should study God’s word to understand that Father God already had a plan in place to redeem mankind from sin. He would sacrifice His Son to pay the price of our redemption from the wages of sin. This prophecy is, in various statements from the Lord, through His chosen spokespeople/Prophets, repeated throughout the Old Testament. All who accept and believe will have their spirit and soul saved from eternal death once the body fulfills Gods prophecy in Genesis 3:19 “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust you are: and unto dust shalt thou return.” The disobedience of Adam (both of them,) caused/es each individual physical body of mankind to be saddled with an “expiration date,” a time to die. Mankind starts physical death the moment each is born. The prophecy must be fulfilled. Jesus broke the Key down for Nicodemus (and us,) to understand, informing Nicodemus how Jesus had a special baptism to go through; be tortured and die on the cross, AND, why he came, as a man to the earth, with condemnation for non-believers. The Bible is where we should seek truth. Be warned. When you have the Key, passages like the above become much easier to understand and apply in your life. You begin to understand who our real enemy is, Who is our Redeemer and Defender, and what side you must choose-Light of God/Jesus/Winning through eternity, or Darkness/Serpent/eternal death. But if our gospel be veiled, it is veiled to them that are perishing. In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to (give) the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6 In Isaiah 2: 1 he tells us that “ the latter days...the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills.” In this passage the Kingdom of God (mountain of the house of the Lord,) is referred to as the highest mountain. The “Key” (study/understanding and discernment of God’s word via salvation) tells believers that this mountain is referred to in another popular passage. In Daniel 2: 31, by God’s help, Daniel begins to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream concerning a statue of him in gold, silver, bronze, iron and clay. His dream showed a “stone was cut without hands, which smote the image…” and broke it to pieces. 2: 35 The stone became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. Daniel was telling the king that all kingdoms, including his, would be broken into pieces and consumed by the kingdom (the highest mountain and its Stone,) God shall set, and it shall stand forever. All the other names have faded away. The new ones do fade away. There is only One that came, sacrificed himself by decree of the Creator, and was raised from the dead by authority of the Creator. That one is Jesus the Christ. The coming of the Christ was prophesied by many (including the angel Gabriel, who brought God’s message to Mary, Matthew 1: 20-25, Luke 1: 26-38.) First God, the Creator, in Genesis 3:15. Others include the Prophet Isaiah 9: 6 and 7, and Isaiah 11, with specific ancestry. Isaiah 53 prophesied how that “special baptism” would leave him looking, why he must endure it. Then, in verses 11 and 12, God the Father becomes satisfied with His Servant Son’s saving sacrifice for us, and indicates the reward for us and the Savior. Isaiah 61:1 prophesied the primary reason or “mission” for the Messiah to come into the world; The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the poor; proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to...(the) bound; :2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God… In Luke 4: 16-19, Jesus had returned to hometown Nazareth, made his customary visit to the synagogue on the sabbath day, and was allowed to read from Isaiah; :18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor;...sent me to preach deliverance...and recovering of sight to the blind, to liberate the oppressed…:19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Isaiah prophesied, and Jesus stated, his “mission” on the earth. There is a difference; Jesus closed the book and stopped speaking and sat after “preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” Jesus’ work as the Son of Man in the world would be completed. The remainder of his mission will not be completed (in the natural world; it is already done in the spirit world, or “4th dimension”) until that great day when the Father appoints Jesus’ time to bring on the vengeance of the Lord. (See Revelation 19 among other scriptures) Matthew 20: 18-19 Jesus is leading the disciples to Jerusalem. He tells them he must be betrayed and put to death, delivered to the Gentiles (non-believers/Romans) to mock and scourge him, to crucify him. But, the third day he shall rise again. :28...(he) came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life (as) a ransom for many. Even Peter and John had yet to fully understand the scripture that he must rise again from the dead. John 20: 9 They saw Jesus was not in his tomb and went home. But Mary Magdelene stayed at the grave site and was Blessed with the presence of THE RISEN CHRIST. She became the first person to preach the fulfilled Gospel! Jesus later came to all of them and breathed on the willing with the Holy Ghost. John 20:22 "All I have to do is believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Savior and my Lord, that he is the Son of God, and that he rose from the dead to save my soul from damnation after the passing of my physical body?!?" Romans 10: 9 I’m in!!! “...I AM the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he may die, yet shall he live: ...whoever lives and believes in me shall never die….” John 11: 25-26 (my emphasis see Exodus 3:14 and the New Testament throughout) Yes, some will continue to decry the true faith of Jesus’ body (the/His Church.) “That’s just a story!” “It’s fake!” “He’s not the only way to God!” (Someone/thing else is God!) “You’re falling for the game!” (Variation-”White man’s game!”) Hint: do your home work, study the word of God, not the word of “the white man,” or ANY other man not speaking the Word of God. ...some want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached to you, let him be cursed...if any (man) preach any other gospel...let him be cursed...if I please men, I would not be the servant of Christ. But I certify/make known to you,...that the gospel which was preached of me is not according to man. For I neither received it of man, nor was I taught, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (See Galatians 1:7-12) Some of those who decry the supernatural existence and abilities of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit go so far as to accuse God of “sleeping” with Mary to produce Jesus (since it is our way it must be his way, right?) as the only way to reproduce. They deny the supernatural God for whom nothing is too hard, least of all creating another of mankind without a man, or God, lying with a woman. See Isaiah 55: 8, Ezekiel 18: 25, 29 for the truth. Many of these same folk also will figuratively and some, literally, soil their pants at “scary stuff,” natural world or not. Some religions and institutions operate against the Gospel of Christ using movies, tv, books and events, thoughts, ideas and suggestions. (Thank you, Apostle Price!) They’re all there to capture your soul with fear, the opposite of faith in God. Satan also rolls in the spirit world and attacks people in dreams. Have you ever awakened in a sweat, or afraid, or fighting, or running. or screaming? Once you wake and calm down, you or others will say it is just a dream and not real. WRONG! It is REAL. It happened in the spirit world, not the natural world, and without the “Key,” that mind/brain that you are so proud of, and vain about, is too dumb to know the difference between the natural and the supernatural. Why? Because you are not properly tuned in with the “Key” to protect and embolden you against evil. “Behold, I give you power (authority) to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power (ability) of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you….rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10: 19-20b (see Matthew 23:33, Ezekiel 2:6, Revelation 12 and 20) And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work... Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. (New Jerusalem) For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolators, and whosoever loves and practices lies. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star...Surely I come quickly. Revelation 22: 12, 14-16,20 Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross, but, God said “RESURRECTION!” Jesus (the only one of those revered) GOT UP to ensure everlasting life for all who will receive, and ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father until the appointed time. Only our Redeemer has empowered believers in the name of the Father. ACT LIKE IT! Let the Spirit of God’s RESURRECTION DAY inform your spirit, soul (mind, imagination, intellect, will) and body. Then you will rule in the natural and the supernatural. I did it and do rule as the king He made me! Revelation 1:6, 5:10 We have received...the Spirit...of God...Which things we also speak, not in man’s wisdom, but the Holy Ghost...comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man will not receive the...Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know...because they are spiritually discerned… (See 1 Corinthians 2:12-16) EXTRA: See Genesis 1:26 for God and “us”--Him, His Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2,) and ???; see John 1 to find out who else is included in “us.” God created matter, Jesus took the matter and did the forming. Apostle FKC Price He gave us stewardship of the earth, authority over the enemy, and eternal kinship, protection and life with him. It is ours to occupy, seize, advance, and repeat for the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. Minister Ronnie Stricklin Childrens Bread Ministries Inc. Mesa, AZ |
"I am the bread of life." John 6: 35 words of Jesus Christ
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